Равнище ЕС
European Coordination of Independent Producers
http://www.cepi-producers.euПартньорски инструменти на OiRA
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Audiovisual productions
DISCLAIMER: Companies should be aware that this tool has been developed at EU level and can differ from national legislative requirements.Employees, crews, performers and all other staff involved in audiovisual productions are constantly exposed to risks that can lead to injuries and other health repercussions.This tool is intended to anyone who aims to assess the health and safety risks related to audiovisual productions such as feature films, short films, documentaries, television series, commercials, video clips, video art, virtual reality and so on.The EU OiRA tool is the result of the project titled “Developing an Online Interactive Risk Assessment tool for film and TV productions” and was developed in a cooperation between the European Social partners of the sector, the European Coordination of Independent Producers (CEPI), the International Federation of Actors (FIA. the International Federation of Film Producers Associations (FIAPF), the International Federation of Musicians (FIM) and UNI Europa - media, entertainment & arts and with the support of EU-OSHA.