Ioannina becomes the capital of safety and health at work in Greece on 6 November. Local workers and employers learn about the fundamental principles of OSH along with information about the national occupational safety and health (OSH) system and legislation at an event organised by our Greek Focal Point Hellenic Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
In this context, the importance of conducting risk assessments is outlined, and EU-OSHA's Online interactive Risk Assessment (OiRA) tools, enabling the easy management and prevention of OSH risks, are presented. A demonstration on how to practically conduct a risk assessment study using one of the 17 OiRA tools available for Greece is the highlight of the event. It includes the screening of a relevant Napo film on the topic.
The activities of the Greek Enterprise Europe Network (EEN-Hellas) are introduced, explaining the active involvement of the Chamber of Ioannina in this nationwide network dedicated to supporting micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.