EU-OSHA welcomes the OiRA and IRAT community to explore synergies


Proper risk assessment is the key to safe and healthy workplaces. However, carrying out risk assessments can be quite challenging, particularly for micro and small enterprises.

OiRA, the Online interactive Risk Assessment platform (and tools), comes to the rescue. With more than 350 sectoral tools online, safety and health risks are being tackled in many organisations around Europe, in manufacturing, cleaning, education, healthcare, transport and many more sectors. 

OiRA and IRAT partners meet in Bilbao (Spain) on 12 and 13 March to share experiences on their tools, discuss end-users needs and develop jointly new approaches to promotion and tool development. 

The ultimate goal is to improve the OiRA platform, to share inspiration with and from other tools and to increase the use of the tools in European workplaces.

Learn more about the OiRA tools.