Hellenic Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
29, Stadiou str.
Athens, Greece
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Manufacture of food products
The Food Products Manufacture sector is the largest manufacturing sector in Greece with particularly competitive characteristics. It includes many different sub-sectors such as fruit and vegetable processing, bakery, dairy processing to sugar processing and meat and fish products. Although food production takes place in a strictly controlled environment to ensure high standards of hygiene and food safety, this industry poses many risks to the health and safety of workers, employs many different types of workers and the risks vary between the different Food Production sub-sectors.Important OSH hazards/risks in the Food Products Manufacture sector are: the use of hand tools and machines (conveyor belts, mixers, packaging machines, etc), trips, slips and falls, being hit by a falling object or impact with an object, the risk of collision, being hit by a moving vehicle in the loading areas, the exposure to hazardous substances (chemical cleaners, lubricants, powdered food) and biological agents (during meat and fish processing), the contact with hot surfaces or materials that can cause burns, the exposure to extreme temperatures, the exposure to high levels of noise from machinery, the manual handling and lifting of loads, the prolonged standing and repetitive movements, the confined spaces (silos, tanks, etc.), the insufficient work organization, the work-related stress and time pressure, the lack of education and training etc.The OiRA tool for the Food Products Manufacture sector consists of 17 thematic modules and in addition, it includes identification & risk assessment forms corresponding to the business more characteristic work duties/job positions. Its use for conducting a RA study, provides the possibility for employers to act preventively for possible incidents of occupational accidents or work-related illnesses. The implementation of the appropriate protection and prevention measures ensures the protection of workers and/or customers and, at the same time, improves the performance and competitiveness of the business.
Manufacture of drinks
The Beverages Manufactue sector includes the production of beer, wines and spirits, soft drinks, mineral water and other bottled waters. Although beverage production takes place in a strictly controlled environment to ensure high standards of beverage hygiene and safety, this industry poses many risks to the health and safety of workers. There are many different types of workers employed and the risks vary between the different beverage production sub-sectors.Important OSH hazards/risks in the Beverages Manufacture sector are: the use of machinery (conveyor belts, bottling, packaging machines, etc.), trips, slips and falls, being hit by a falling object or impact with an object, the risk of collision, being hit by a moving vehicle in the loading areas, the exposure to hazardous substances (chemical cleaners, lubricants, vapors/gases in production areas, dusts), the contact with hot surfaces or hot liquids that can cause burns, the exposure to high levels of noise from machinery, the manual handling and lifting of loads, the prolonged standing and repetitive movements, the insufficient work organization, work-related stress and time pressure, lack of education and training etc.The OiRA tool for the Beverages Manufacture sector consists of 17 thematic modules and in addition, it includes identification & risk assessment forms corresponding to the business more characteristic work duties/job positions. Its use for conducting a RA study, provides the possibility for employers to act preventively for possible incidents of occupational accidents or work-related illnesses. The implementation of the appropriate protection and prevention measures ensures the protection of workers and/or customers and, at the same time, improves the performance and competitiveness of the business.
Manufacture of plastic products
The Plastic Products Manufacture sector can be divided into the polymer manufacturing industry and the polymer materials forming industry. In Greece, the plastics production industry is an important manufacturing activity, specializing in specific segments of the plastics market and products (intermediate and final). The sector's activities include supply and manufacturing of raw material, machinery manufacturing, production of a wide range of plastic products (from bags and bottles to pipes and car parts) and their recycling. In these companies a number of chemical substances are used and also produced as by-products in the production processes and some of them can create harm to the health of the exposed workers. Across the spectrum of the plastics manufacturing industry, there are many different types of production processes and complex machinery that pose risks to the health and safety of workers.Important OSH hazards/risks in the Plastic Products Manufacture sector are: the use of machines (extrusion, injection, thermoforming, cutting machines, etc.), trips and slips, falls from a height, risk of fire from the use and storage of flammable materials, exposure to chemical agents (toxic substances, vapors/gases, fumes, plastic dusts), electrical hazards from work equipment, contact with very hot or very cold surfaces or materials, exposure to high levels of noise from machinery, manual handling and lifting of loads, prolonged standing and repetitive movements, insufficient work organization, work-related stress and time pressure, lack of education and training etc.The OiRA tool for the Plastic Products Manufacture sector consists of 17 thematic modules and in addition, it includes identification & risk assessment forms corresponding to the business more characteristic work duties/job positions. Its use for conducting a RA study provides the possibility for employers to act preventively for possible incidents of occupational accidents or work-related illnesses. The implementation of the appropriate protection and prevention measures ensures the protection of workers and/or customers and, at the same time, improves the performance and competitiveness of the business.
The Agriculture sector is related to a high rate of occupational accidents, is associated with serious impacts on the health of workers and belongs to the most dangerous sectors of economic activity in Europe. Particular characteristics, such as working outdoors or in greenhouses, the use of heavy machinery, the use of chemicals and plant protection products, the isolation in the workplace and the low levels of education, increase the risks faced by workers. In addition, the large number of self-employed farmers, the frequent employment of seasonal and temporary workers in some agricultural activities, as well as of relatives, migrants and/or older people, worsen the OSH conditions and create additional risks.Important OSH hazards/risks in the Agriculture sector are: the use of agricultural vehicles (tractors, self-propelled wheeled machinery, all-terrain vehicles ATV, etc), other machines/tools (chainsaws, cutting tools, etc.), the exposure to dangerous chemical substances (plant protection agents, fertilizers) and biological agents, the confined spaces (silos, tanks, etc.), the exposure to high levels of noise and vibrations from the work equipment, the exposure to extreme weather and solar radiation, the manual handling and lifting of loads, the work in inappropriate and strenuous body positions, the informal working hours and the lack of education and training, the work-related stress and other psychosocial issues etc.The OiRA tool for the Agriculture sector consists of 17 thematic modules and in addition, it includes identification & risk assessment forms corresponding to the business more characteristic work duties/job positions. Its use for conducting a RA study provides the possibility for employers to act preventively for possible incidents of occupational accidents or work-related illnesses. The implementation of the appropriate protection and prevention measures ensures the protection of workers and/or customers and, at the same time, improves the performance and competitiveness of the business.
Waste collection and management
The Waste Collection and Management sector contributes significantly to the sustainable development. However, it poses significant risks to the health and safety of the workers. In most cases, l emphasis is placed on protecting the environment and less on the health and safety of workers.Important OSH hazards/risks in the Waste Collection and Management sector are: trips, slips and falls, manual handling and lifting of loads, work in inappropriate and strenuous body positions, exposure to adverse weather conditions, injuries from sharp objects and moving parts of machinery, road accidents during waste collection and transport, being hit by a moving vehicle, the exposure to biological and chemical agents, the insufficient organization of work, work-related stress and time pressure, lack of education and training, offensive and violent behavior by citizens etc.The OiRA tool for the Waste Collection and Management sector consists of 23 thematic modules and in addition, it includes identification & risk assessment forms corresponding to the business more characteristic work duties/job positions. Its use for conducting a RA study, provides the possibility for employers to act preventively for possible incidents of occupational accidents or work-related illnesses. The implementation of the appropriate protection and prevention measures ensures the protection of workers and/or customers and, at the same time, improves the performance and competitiveness of the business.