
Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland
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OiRA tool for electrical work is a great tool for general risk assessment when doing electrical work. This tool is mainly focused on basic electrical work and is designed for small or medium sized companies.This tool does not replace more complex risk assessments for bigger or more complex projects were there are very high safety standards. But it´s a great tool as a basic risk assessment for companies without access to any risk assessments.This project is a collaboration between Rafmennt and the Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland. All hints regarding this tool can be sent at contact form.

The primary purpose of the Icelandic version of the agricultural OiRA tool is to help farmers to improve their working conditions and minimise risk at the farm. It is easy to use, free and open to all.With OiRA, users get a tool in their hands that helps them to assess the risks in their own work environment. The tool evaluates the risks and returns the results in a report that is only to be seen and used by the farmer or workers at the farm.The tool sets out proposals and examples of improvements in the working environment. There are also references to laws and regulations, number of images for explanation and links to more informative material.Emphasis is placed on fire and accident prevention and handling of machines. Health factors are assessed and risk by infectious diseases is discussed. The general condition of the farm is assessed since it is a part of potential risk factors which have to be taken into consideration. Also included are tips for prevention of accidents related to work with animals, reduce workload on back and joints and instructions to eliminate fall risks.Proper health and safety risk assessments done with the Oira tool, can prevent many accidents and help the employer to find proper solutions.

This tool aims to inform workers about the risks to which they are exposed as hairdressers and help them learn to avoid future health problems. This tool helps to identify and assess the working conditions in hair salons. Questions are grouped by subject and provide advice for improvement.

Office work
The tool is a risk assessment tool for working in the office. The tool sets out proposals and examples of improvements in the working environment. There are also references to laws and regulations and the number of images for explanation. The tool evaluates the risks and help creating a final report. The tool has four main sections: General, Environment and planning, Stress and ethics at the office and safety efforts.