
Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
Štukljeva 44
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Website tool website partner tools
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Warehouse workers

Cafes, restaurants & catering

Educational establishments

The tool is meant for indoor painters and façade workers, with tasks like painting walls and ceilings, painting of carpenter products, setting wallpapers and insulation, decoration of advertisement spaces and boards, primary protection of products: wood against moist and decay, metal against rust. They work with gear/equipment like paintbrushes, cutting tools, etc. Inside, the risk is drought. Outside, painters and façade workers are exposed to the weather based risks. They often can't avoid filth, foul smell, and toxic paint fumes. Work is usually done standing up or on a ladder. That makes additional risks. The work can be one person or a group, often with longer working hours. The danger is working with toxic substances. The purpose of the online tool OiRA for painters and façade workers is for employees and employers to remind each other of dangers, collaborate, and give each other advice to make a safer workplace for employees.