Efnið sem hér er aðgengilegt hefur verið búið til af EU-OSHA og öðrum hagsmunaaðilum ESB og inniheldur allt frá myndskeiðum og upplýsingagrafík til hefðbundinna rannsókna og kynninga. Allt efni er hægt að hlaða niður ókeypis. Hvað varðar innlend OiRA efni, vinsamlegast skoðaðu vefsíður OiRA samstarfsaðila.
Hagnýt úrræði – Staðreyndir og tölur
OiRA update - July 2024
This presentation includes the latest updates on OiRA, such as number of users and risk assessment done with OiRA. The presentation also gives an overview of the more than 50 tools under development. Find out if there is something of interest coming up for your sector!
OiRA general presentation 2023
General powerpoint presentation about the OiRA approach and how EU-OSHA works with the official OiRA partners.
OiRA update - Summary 2022
This presentation gives an overview of OiRA figures development throughout the last years (number of tools published, number of users, number of risk assessments done). The figures show that in terms of users and assessment 2022 has been by far the most successful year for OiRA!
The presentation also includes the update on sectoral tools under development in the different countries as well as an overview of social media and online media figures in 2022.