Os materiais disponíveis aqui foram criados pela EU-OSHA e outras partes interessadas da UE e incluem todo o tipo de conteúdos, desde vídeos e infográficos a estudos de caso e apresentações mais tradicionais. Todos os materiais podem ser descarregados de forma gratuita. Para ter acesso aos materiais nacionais do OiRA, consulte os sítios Web dos parceiros OiRA.
Recursos práticos - Material promocional
OiRA playlist on Youtube
The videos included on our YouTube channel provide an engaging way to explain and promote the OiRA project, the general idea behind the OiRA tools and some specific OiRA sectoral tools.
Introduction to OiRA
This leaflet provides a brief explanation of what OiRA is, the benefits of using OiRA and how to engage with OiRA.
Infographic: OiRA facts and figures
This infographic displays key and updated information from OiRA, underlining the usefulness, relevance and impact of the OiRA tools and highlighting the most recent statistics about their development, use and the satisfaction rate of users.
Infographic: Risk assessment with OiRA in 4 steps
This visual provides an eye-catching description of the 4 steps of the risk assessment process; from preparation, through the identification & evaluation of risks, to setting up an action plan and reporting. The infographic is available in 14 different language versions.
Infographic: Hairdressers
The OiRA hairdressers infographic has been developed in close cooperation with coiffure and UniEuropa. It summarises easy steps to carry out a participatory risk assessment with OiRA in hairdressing salons. In addition different language versions of the infographic have been produced.
Flyer: OiRA general
This resource provides short summaries of key points about what is OiRA, why use it, who is OiRA for and how does it work. It also provides users with an overview of the OiRA tools and how to access them.
Video teaser: live performance sector
This video has been produced by the EU social partners 'The European Arts and Entertainment Alliance' and the 'Performing Arts Employers Association League Europe' to promote their two OiRA tools developed for the live performance sector. The original language is English with subtitles in Spanish and Greek available. Partner organisations at the national level in Spain have also added subtitles to the video in Euskara, Catalá, Galego and Valenciano, which are co-official languages of the country.
Napo in…risk assessment online
Napo is on a mission to convince his boss that carrying out a risk assessment has never been easier thanks to OiRA. Together they identify and evaluate occupational safety and health risks and take the right preventive actions. Join Napo and do your risk assessment online now!