Working Conditions Authority
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Avenida Fernao Magalhaes 447-1º
Coimbra, Portugal
Δικτυακός τόπος
http://www.act.gov.pt/Εργαλεία εταίρων OiRA
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Horticultural Products
In fruit and vegetable companies (producers of jams, pastas, sauces and preserves) the main risk factors are associated with standing, improper postures, manual handling of loads, high temperatures and humid environments, the use of machines with unprotected moving parts, lack of training of workers and disregard for the correct use of safety devices and the safety instructions provided by the manufacturers. Thus, this OiRA tool addresses the main hazards in the various work areas, from receiving raw materials to storing finished products. The tool also addresses issues associated with emergencies, psychosocial risks (including stress), as well as structural, environmental and occupational safety and health management hazards / risks. It allows an assessment of existing risks, suggests measures to control those risks and produces an action plan to be implemented.