Nástroje partnerů OiRA
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Hotels and restaurants
DISCLAIMER: Companies should be aware that this tool has been developed at EU level and can differ from national legislative requirements.The HORECA sector (hotel, restaurant, café) encompasses a wide variety of workplaces and workers from this sector are exposed to a series of occupational hazards. The most important risks relate among others to slips and trips, burns, hazardous substances and stress.Occupational safety and health (OSH) management is essential not only to create healthy workplaces but also to reduce costs and other negative consequences of work related accidents and sick leaves. Risk assessment is the cornerstone of OSH management and helps employers to identify the risks and take appropriate measures.Therefore, the Social Partners of the European HORECA sector, EFFAT (European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions) and Hotrec (Association of Hotels, Restaurants, Pubs and Cafes) have developed together an OiRA tool to support small and medium sized companies in the proper management of occupational health and safety risks.The tool has been developed at EU level and serves as a basis when developing an OiRA HORECA tool at national level. Useful information on how the EU directives have been transposed into all national legislations can be found on the website of EU-OSHA.