
EU:n taso
Confederation of National Associations of Tanners and Dressers of the European Community
Rue Washington 40
Bruxelles, Belgium
EU:n taso
http://www.euroleather.comOiRAn verkkosivusto
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Leather and tanning
DISCLAIMER: Companies should be aware that this tool has been developed at EU level and can differ from national legislative requirements.The processes and activities in the leather and tanning industry can expose workers to occupational hazards. The most important risks are related to the use of machinery and other equipment, chemicals, and the work environment. Occupational safety and health (OSH) management is essential not only to create healthy workplaces but also to reduce costs and other negative consequences of work related accidents and sick leavesTherefore the Social Partners of the European Leather Industry, industriAll-Europe and COTANCE have developed an OiRA tool to support small and medium sized companies in the proper management of occupational health and safety risks. The tool helps companies to carry out a risk assessment and take adequate measures to eliminate and minimise health and safety risks. Furthermore, the self-assessment reports based on this OiRA tool can be used as an instrument in the supply chain for communicating on OSH. Implementation of the tool does not however ensure legal compliance with the respective national health and safety regulations. The tool has been developed at EU level and may serve as a basis when developing an OiRA leather and tanning tool at national level.